Once upon a time, there was Foresta Lumina…

Through its strategic planning the PARC DE LA GORGE DE COATICOOK’s, Board of Directors and management established a precise objective which was creating an innovative project highlighting the natural environment of its canyon.

As part of Coaticook’s 150th anniversary celebrations, in 2014, was conceived this unique experience, today renowned as Foresta Lumina. Conceptualized by local people involved within the park they called upon MOMENT FACTORY to physically elaborate their thoughts. The renowned company originally from Quebec specializes in the animation of public spaces.

Investing in an already attractive product, night hiking, we bring innovation within the Eastern Townships, positioning ourselves advantageously at a provincial level. Our main concern being to preserve the Park’s natural wealth, each zone was perceived to harmonize with nature, this last one is by far the great boss of the concept. Nature initially dictated the creation and the choice of both technologies and installations used within each zone. The main objective being to honor its beauty through lights for visitors to discover its magical beauty at night. Upon exactly the same areas of the canyon, daily visitors are not able to suspect that its forest comes to life at night.

This project is of great importance to the local region of Coaticook, as it required a major investment. On the other hand, Foresta Lumina has aroused great enthusiasm and rendered excellent collaboration among local and regional partners.


For further information, interviews, press releases, pictures and / or videos, please contact us at 819 849-2331 or at jpetit@gorgedecoaticook.qc.ca.


Each year, Parc de la Gorge de Coaticook including Foresta Lumina and Parc Découverte Nature gets involved in its local community by sponsoring numerous different activities and/or organizations. To apply, please complete the sponsorship request. Please note that the sponsorship request must be in product only. No cash sponsorship will be granted.